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The monks were of the Cistercian order, from Normandy. The church
has been upwards of 300 feet in length, and 38 in breadth; the
length of the transept near 140 feet; the height of the side
walls about 54 feet; and with various apartments and offices, the
ruins extend from north to south 500 feet; besides the Abbot's
quarters, which stood at a distance, on the site now occupied by
the Manor House. The central tower is levelled with the side
walls, and only one of its stupendous arches left standing; yet
enough remains to shew the style of architecture, and to give
some idea of its former magnificence. A few years ago, the
proprietor, Lord G. Cavendish, caused the rubbish to be cleared
away; by which many pieces of sculpture were brought to light
that had lain buried for centuries.