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H. ursinum is very common; H. schoenoprasum may be found on
Cartmel Fell; Convallaria majalis grows on some of the
islands, but is becoming scarce from too frequent
depredations; in Rauncey woods, about three miles below
Newby Bridge, this plant is most abundant and fine, covering
some acres of ground; here also may be found the Fly orchis;
C. multiflora abounds in Graythwaite woods, about two miles
north of Newby Bridge.
Of Trilliaceoe, Paris quadrifolia is found in many of the
shady woods.
Of Alismaceoe, Alisma plantago and ranunculoides are
plentiful in the lake.
Of Fluviales, Potamogeton proelongus is found in many parts
of Windermere; P. perfoliatus and heterophyllus are very
Of Juncaceoe, Juncus glancus grows on Whitbarrow, and J.
triglumis on Fairfield.
Of Cyperaceoe, Eriophorum vaginatum is frequent in mountain
bogs; Carex dioica, ovalis, riparia, pulicaris, curta,
remota, stricta, proecox, vesicaria, and ampullacea are
common; C. loevigata and sylvatica are found in some
Of Gramina, Avena pubescens and flavescens, are common;
Festuca ovina var, vivipara is found; Bromus giganteus is
very frequent; B. asper and Sesleria caerulea grow on
Whitbarrow; Triticum caninum may be seen in many places; and
Melica nutans is found in some moist woods.
Of the Ferns -
Caterach officinarum, occurs on some walls, but is