vol.2 p.54
[conti]nually relieved; which approaches to the nature of
mediocrity *."
This refined reasoning does not seem intirely grounded on
experience.- I do not remember any scene in which beauty and
sublimity, according to my ideas, are more blended than in
this: and tho Mr. Burke's ideas of beauty are perhaps more
exceptionable, than his ideas of the sublime; yet it
happens, that most of the qualities, which he predicates of
both, unite also in this scene. Their effect therefore,
according to his argument, should be destroyed. But the
feelings of every lover of nature, on viewing these scenes,
I dare be bold to say, would revolt from such reasoning.
The fore-ground of the grand view before us, is a part of
Gobray-park, which belongs to the duke of Norfolk: rough,
broken, and woody. Among the old oaks, which inriched it,
herds of deer, and cattle grazed in groups. Beyond this is
spread an extensive reach of the lake, winding round a rocky
promontory on the left;