Gentleman's Magazine 1822 part 1 p.558
Wednesday, June 19.
The cause of Olive, Princess of Cumberland, respecting his
late Majesty's will of 15,000l. in her favour, was
heard in the Prerogative Court, which was crowded to excess.
At ten o'clock Sir John Nicholl took his seat, and shortly
after Dr. Dodson and Dr. Lushington, accompanied by Gen.
Desseux, soi-dissant Capt. Fitz-Strathern, cousin of
the Princess Olive, and others. Dr. Dodson addressed the
Court in support of the arguments urged last Court day, and
concluded by earnestly entreating the Court, on the score of
justice, humanity, and fair dealing that ought to exist
between man and man, to grant the motion of his worthy
Colleague. Dr. Haggard, on the same side, supported the
other learned Civilians, and contended that the motion ought
to be made absolute, namely, that the will now read be
propounded as the last will and testament of his Majesty
George III. Sir Christopher Robinson, the King's Advocate,
addressed the Court at great length against the claim,
contending that it was a matter not for the interference of
that Court. Dr. Adams followed on the same side. A few
minutes before one o'clock, Olive, the Princess of
Cumberland, entered the Court, and took her seat on the
bench behind the Proctors. Dr. Lushington replied in a very
long and eloquent speech. Sir J. Nicholl said, he should
take time to consider the case, and on the next Court day he
gave judgement against the application, as not coming within
the jurisdiction of that Court.