The roads from Bowness and Kendal join a little beyond what
is called Miller Ground, whence there is a view of
Windermere and the Pikes of Langdale, which is one of the
richest in nature. The lake is visible all the way from
Bellegrange to its head, with its far winding bays and
groves. Between the eye and the water lies Calgarth. On the
opposite shores, High Wray and the buildings at Brathay give
animation to the scenery. The Pikes of Langdale - the
Eskdale, Wastdale, and Borrowdale mountains - finish this
splendid exhibition. On the left is Calgarth Park, built by
Bishop Watson, on the site of the ancient seat of the
Philipsons. The greater part of the road to Ambleside, along
the borders of the water, is shade by wood of fine growth,
comprising oak, sycamore, beech, chestnut, and ash , and is
rich in a diversity of grand and pleasing scenery. Should
the pedestrian be tempted to step aside and ascend the emi-