Newbridge, and the road winds up a steep rock, having the lake
underneath you on the left. From the top, you have a view under
the trees, both up and down the lake. Martindale-fell, a naked
grey rock, on the opposite shore, rises abruptly from the water,
to an Alpine height, and with an astonishing effect. The rock you
stand on hangs over the lake, which seems blue and unfathomable
to the eye. An island in the middle space has a beautiful
appearance. This is the most romantic, striking, and terrible
situation upon the lake, especially if the wind blows the surges
of water against the rock below you. The shores on both sides
upwards are very pleasing, and the little decorating isles are
scattered in the most exquisite taste, and delightful order. The
ride along the banks, since the repair of the road, is charming.
The upper end terminates in sweet meadows, surrounded to the
right by towering rocky hills, broken and wooded. Martindale fell
is the opposite boundary, skirted here with hanging inclosures,
cots, and farms.
The principal feeders of this lake are Grysdale-beck, on the
western corner, and Goldrill-beck, which descends from
Kirkston-fell. They enter it in a freer manner than the feeder of
Derwent does, and make a much finer appearance at their junction.