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coast, directs the eye to an immense chain of lofty mountains,
apparently increased in magnitude and height since they were seen
from Hest-bank. On a fine morning this is a pleasant ride, when
the mountains are strongly illuminated by the sun-beams, and
patched with shadows of intervening clouds that sail along their
sides; or when they drag their watery skirts over the summits,
and, admitting the streaming beams, adorn their rocky heads with
silver, and variegate their olive-coloured sides with stripes of
gold and green. This fairy scene soon shifting, all is concealed
in a mantle of azure mist. At the Eau, or ford of the river
Leven, another carter conducts you over. On the dissolution of
the priory of Conishead, King Henry VIII. charged himself and his
successors with the payment of the salary, fifteen marks per
annum, which the guide received from the priory.
Ulverston, the London of Furness, is a neat town, at the foot of
a swift descent of hills to the south-east. The streets are
regular, and excellently well paved. The weekly market for
Low-Furness has been long established here, to the prejudice of
Dalton, the ancient capital of Furness. The articles of export,
are iron-ore in great quantities, pig and bar iron, oats, barley,
beans, potatoes,