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| [de]coction of it in water is besides used in Sweden, which operates as a purge and vomit, and is efficacious in worm complaints.
| The Lycopodium alpinum, and Selago, Fl. Sc. 11, 687, 690, are common amidst these hills: the last is a most valuable plant in the northern regions. The Swedes make of it coarse mats: the Russians use the powder of the capsules to heal galls in children, chopped skins, or other sores: the Poles, with a decoction of it, foment the heads of those afflicted with the filthy disorder of their country, the Plica polonica, and, as is said, effect the cure.
| It is observed that the capsules emit a yellow powder, which flashes with a small explosion at the flame of a candle. Even this has been turned to use, and serves to make artificial lightening at theatrical entertainments.
| About the town of Ingleton are also a few scarce plants: such as the Serapias latifolia, and S. longifolia, Fl. Sc. 1, 526, 528: the White Hellebore, and the Neesewort of Gerard, 442; and, to conclude the list, that rare and singular flower the Cypripedium calceolus, Fl. Angl. 11, 392, or Calceolus Dnae Mariae, or our Lady's Slipper of old Gerard, 443, so named from its form, is sparingly met with in a
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