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| [ma]lignant ulcers: a water, fragrant as that of roses, may be distilled from them. Those elegant plants the saxifraga oppositifolia and autumnalis, Fl. Sc. 1, 222, are to be met with here; and the Actaea spicata, spoken of before.
| My friend met with, here, the Epilobium angustifolium, or Rosebay Willow Herb, Fl. Sc. 1, 196, a flowering plant worthy of our gardens. We have of late discovered that the down of the seeds has been manufactured with cotton, or beaver's hair, into stockings, filletting, bindings, &c. The down is obtained by drying the seed-vessels in an oven, then thrashing and riddling the seeds from the down, which is carded with the cotton or fur*. The beastly Kamtschadales brew a sort of ale from the pith, and have invented an intoxicating liquor from the infusion of the leaves; they also eat the young shoots which trail beneath the ground.
| To these plants I must add the Ophrys cordata, or Heart-shaped Tway-blade, Fl. Sc. 1, 524; the Sedum villosum or Marsh Stonecrop, Fl. Sc. 1, 237; and the Lichen aphtosus, or Green-ground Liverwort, Fl. Sc. 11, 848. It takes its trivial name from the use made of it by the people of Uplaed in Sweden, who, in cases of the aptha or thrush in children, give them an infusion of this plant in milk. A de-
| coction
| * Haller, 1, 427. |
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