Gentleman's Magazine 1792 p.1198
[gra]dually disappearing since the 5th. They have remained
with us 104 days this year.
13. The redbreast is returned to the town. All the song
birds are silent at present, except the redbreast, about the
houses; and the yellowhammer, emberiza citrinella, in
the hedges. Hay-harvest nearly finished.
17. Oats reaped.
September 5. Swallows, hirundo rustica, in
flocks. These birds were seen till the 24th; not after.
25. The fieldfare, turdus pilaris.
October 2. The woodcock, scolopax rusticola.
15. The harvest finished.
November. The chaffinch, fringilla coelebs.
Large flocks of the females, separate from the males, seen
in the hedges on the first, some as late as on the 12th.
17. The water ouzel, sturnus cinclus, singing, and
fishing in the shallow parts of the river.
Progress of Vegetation, determined from the time of
flowering of wild Plants.
February 26. Galanthus nivalis.
March 21. Ficaria verna, viola canina. 22. Narcissus
pseudo-narcissus. 28. Mercurialis perennis.
April 4. Ribes glossularia. 6. Adoxa moschatellina,
Anemone nemorosa, Oxalis acetosella. 12. plum-tree,
Alchemilla vulgaris, Prunus spinosa. 15. Cherry-tree,
Primuka veris, Cardamine pratensis, Leontodon taraxacum. 17.
Pear-tree. 29. Geum rivale, Stellaria nemorum. 30. Erysimum
May 6. Hyacinthus non-scriptus, Trollius Europaeus.
9. Paris quadrifolia, Orchis morio. 15. Geranium sylvaticum,
Asperula odorata, Lychnis dioica. 17. Saxifraga granulata.
20. Crataegus oxycantha.
June 1. Ophrys ovata, Punguicula vulgaris. 7. Comarum
paulstre, Lychnis flos-cuculi. 10 Digitalis purpurea.