Antique Figures
I SEnd you some pieces of antiquity, which I lately
discovered in the wall and adjoining houses of an obscure
farm at Coning-garth, about 2 short miles southward
from Wigton, in Cumberland, and not far from a
large Roman encampment, called Old Carlisle, on the
military way leading to Ellenborough.
Old Carlisle has been variously understood by
antiquaries; but Mr Horsley's opinion, that it was
the Roman Olenacum, seems to have the greatest
weight, where the Ala Herculea encamp'd at the time
of the Notitia.
FIG. I. is a Triton; the stone is about 2 1/2 foot by 16
inches; whether there has been any figure on the other sides
cannot be learn'd, as 'tis built in the wall; it is in full
demi-relievo, and tolerably well executed, at least much
better than many sculptures of those times, but 'tis
imperfect; below the tail has been another figure, but the
stone is broke off; and, facing the Triton a third also
defac'd and imperfect.
FIG. II. is the corner stone of a stable, or barn, at the
very foundation, probably a pedestal to a funeral monument.
The figures on it resemble scales, or waves, and whether it
has been a plinth for the Triton, and the whole a sepulchral
pillar, is not now to be determin'd.
FIG III. is an inscription, now placed horizontally, as the
upper lintel of a window near the Triton, by which it seems
probable that the Ala Augusta had some time
garrison'd this place; it is of the funeral kind, and
dedicated to the Dis Manibus. I hope the curious will
oblige us with their reading and interpretation of it.
FIG. IV. is a view of a stone, which I take to be the
capital of the whole monument; the length of the plinth is
17 1/2 inches, breadth 12, height 7 inches, of which 2 are
edg'd away in a slope moulding, and the spheroid on the
plinth is 20 inches