button to source menu   Ogilby 1675, plate 38
item:-  JandMN (21)
image:-  © see bottom of page
Ogilby 1675, plate 38
Ogilby 1675, plate 38 segment OG38m277 plus overlaps, destination at the top

gazetteer links

places may or may not be labelled on the map

button -- Broome Castle -- (Brougham Castle, Brougham (OG38inc))
button -- (Clifton (OG38inc))
button -- Emonbridge -- (Eamont Bridge bridge, Yanwath etc (OG38inc))
button -- Emonbridge -- (Eamont Bridge, Yanwath etc (OG38inc))
button -- Eden Fluvius (mistake) -- (Eamont, River (OG38inc))
button -- (Lowther Bridge, Yanwath etc (OG38inc))
button -- Lowder Fluvius -- (Lowther, River (OG38inc))
button -- Clif Chappell -- (St Cuthbert, Clifton and Brougham (OG38inc))

civil parishes

The route segment roughly includes parts of parishes:-

    Yanwath and Eamont Bridge
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