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map type:-
Cox 1720-31

Maps, Magna Britannia et Hibernia, Antiqua et Nova, or A New Survey of Great Britain, published by various people including Thomas Cox, at The Lamb, Royal Exchange, Cornhill, London, 1720-31?
In the 6 volume set of Magna Britannia, Westmorland is pp.1-45 in vol.6, Cumberland pp.365-414+ in vol.1; the descriptive texts and maps were also published in a series of parts and sold separately.
Each county has a descriptive text with descriptions of places in alphabetical order and perhaps some small engravings; there may be a list of nobility and/or gentlemen; a natural history of the county; an ecclesiastical history with notes of monasteries etc; a list of charity schools; and a table of towns, villages, etc. This is accompanied by a table of distances, derived from John Norden, and a map by Robert Morden amended by Herman Moll.
   Morden 1708
sources:- JandMN Collection
Armitt Library