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Smith 1824, Longsleddale
Notes about Longsleddale from the Geological Map of Westmoreland, scale about 2.5 miles to 1 inch, by William Smith, coloured on a map by John Cary, published by John Cary, 86 St James's Street, London, 1824.

scale The map scale is about:-
1 to 160000 ? (1 to 156437 from scale line, assuming a statute mile)
2.5 miles to 1 inch
Places are identified on the uncoloured map issued later by John Cary, see:-
The map was provided by John Cary for William Smith to colour geologically. The northern area is now known as Borrowdale Volcanic series, the southern as Brathay Flags, and the band between the Coniston Limestone Series (all probably outofdate terminolgy).

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