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Notes about James Richards Plan of Carlile, 1684-85
These notes are about the plan of Carlisle drawn by James Richards, for Lord Dartmouth, Master of the Ordnance, 1684-85.
Lord Dartmouth, as Master of the Ordnance, was authorised by a commission, 1 May 1682, to
make a Particular survey of all his Majts Magazines, Castles and Forts in this his Kingdome of England
The survey of Carlisle was entrusted to Sir Christopher Musgrave, Lieuteneant General of the Ordnance, who gave the work to James Richards.
As is often the case with this sort of official plan, the original stayed in the private ownership of Lord Dartmouth, and was passed down in his family.
The plan was reproduced as frontispiece to:-
Ferguson, R S (ed): 1894: Royal Charters of the City of Carlisle: Thurnam, C and Son (Carlisle, Cumberland) & Wilson, Titus (Kendal, Westmorland) & Stock, Elliot (London)
and is described in Appendix II, pp.286-288: qv. The report which accompanied the plan is printed in TransCWAAS.

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