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Gilsland Spa, Gilsland | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gilsland Spa | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
locality:- | Gilsland | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
civil parish:- | Waterhead (formerly Cumberland) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
county:- | Cumbria | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
locality type:- | locality | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
locality type:- | spa | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
coordinates:- | NY63686775 (etc) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1Km square:- | NY6367 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10Km square:- | NY66 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
evidence:- | old map:- OS County Series (Cmd 13 5) placename:- |
source data:- | Maps, County Series maps of Great Britain, scales 6 and 25
inches to 1 mile, published by the Ordnance Survey, Southampton,
Hampshire, from about 1863 to 1948. The area is labelled:- "Gilsland Spa" with detail labels - 'Chalybeate Spa' at about NY63306790 roughly corresponding to a spa on the modern map; Sulphurous Spa about NY63556782; Baths about NY63446776; and 'Bookstall' about 63546782. |
evidence:- | old map:- Bowen and Kitchin 1760 placename:- Gilsland Spaw |
source data:- | Map, hand coloured engraving, A New Map of the Counties of
Cumberland and Westmoreland Divided into their Respective Wards,
scale about 4 miles to 1 inch, by Emanuel Bowen and Thomas
Kitchin et al, published by T Bowles, Robert Sayer, and John
Bowles, London, 1760.![]() BO18NY76.jpg "Gilsland Spaw" circle and line item:- Armitt Library : 2008.14.10 Image © see bottom of page |
evidence:- | old map:- Donald 1774 (Cmd) placename:- Gilsland Spaw |
source data:- | Map, hand coloured engraving, 3x2 sheets, The County of Cumberland, scale about 1
inch to 1 mile, by Thomas Donald, engraved and published by Joseph Hodskinson, 29
Arundel Street, Strand, London, 1774.![]() D4NY66NW.jpg "Gilsland Spaw" a block item:- Carlisle Library : Map 2 Image © Carlisle Library |
evidence:- | old print with text:- Farington 1816 placename:- Gilsland Spa |
source data:- | Print, uncoloured engraving and descriptive text, View at Gilsland Spa, Cumberland,
drawn by Joseph Farington, engraved by Samuel Middiman, published by T Cadell and
W Davies, Strand, London, 1815.![]() FA0428.jpg printed, bottom left, right, centre "Drawn by J. Farington R.A. / Engraved by S. Middiman. / View at Gilsland Spa. / London Published Septr. 15, 1815, by T. Cadell &W. Davies, Strand." Descriptive text:- "VIEW AT GILSLAND SPA." "THE sulphureted Spa at Gilsland, is situated in a romantic woody glen, on the western bank of the river Irthing, and on the confines of Northumberland, about 18 miles from Carlisle. Gilsland Spa has been a place of fashionable resort for upwards of seventy years, its waters having been in much repute, particularly for the cure of cutaneous disorders. There are three hotels here for the accommodation of company; Wardrew-house, on the Northumberland side of the Irthing, and the Shaws and the Orchard-house on the Cumberland side; besides which there are two neat lodging houses. The accommodation is good and reasonable, and the visitor will find amusement in making excursions in the neighbourhood, which affords interesting matter of research to the naturalist and the antiquary. There are some Chalybeate springs near the sulphureted Spa; one of these was discovered in 1811. The scenery of Gilsland forms a strong contrast to that of the wild moors by which it is encircled. "Upon the top of the bank at the Shaws hotel, there is a broad Terrace walk, from which there is a pleasing view towards the opposite bank of the Irthing, including Wardrew house. At the upper end of this walk, immediately above the sulphureted Spa, the whole dell below, opens at once to the view, unfolding grand scenes of picturesque beauty, to which art has judiciously contributed her assistance. Walks on each side the river, are seen at several places through the variegated woods, having benches at proper distances. Upon leaving the Shaws hotel for the sulphureted Spa, we descend by a steep gravel walk to the river, where the eye is charmed by a finely-wooded amphitheatre of stratified rocks, which give an impressive air of grandeur to this favoured spot."[star]" "[star] Treatise of the Gilsland Waters, by W. R. Clanny, MD.D 1816." item:- Armitt Library : A6666.28 Image © see bottom of page |
evidence:- | descriptive text:- Ford 1839 (3rd edn 1843) placename:- Gilsland Spa placename:- Holy Well placename:- Wardrew Spa |
source data:- | Guide book, A Description of Scenery in the Lake District, by
Rev William Ford, published by Charles Thurnam, Carlisle, by W
Edwards, 12 Ave Maria Lane, Charles Tilt, Fleet Street, William
Smith, 113 Fleet Street, London, by Currie and Bowman,
Newcastle, by Bancks and Co, Manchester, by Oliver and Boyd,
Edinburgh, and by Sinclair, Dumfries, 1839.![]() Page 115:- "..." "GILSLAND SPA" "Is a place of great resort, and in point of salubrity and natural beauty, it is far superior to many spas of modern celebrity in the northern part of the island." "From the Railway Station at Rose Hill, a good carriage-road leads up in a gradual ascending sweep, passing a beautiful mansion called the Orchard House, until it reaches the Shaws Hotel, which stands upon an eminence skirted with fine wood. This hotel has recently been thoroughly repaired, enlarged, and remodelled, and now presents good accommodation to family parties and visitors, whether for health or pleasure. ..." "Behind the hotel is a field with walks and seats, exhibiting various windings of the Irthing, in its course from the wild fells in the waste. This field covers the mass of rock strata, at the foot of which," ![]() Page 116:- "and on the margin of the river, the celebrated spa issues into day. The strata below the surface mould are said to be disposed in the following order:- First, a course of stratified sandstone, then bituminous shale, which includes a stratum of aluminous schistus, and next porphyry slate, beneath which the sulphurated water issues through a leaden tube, enclosed in a small stone fountain, at the rate of two gallons and a half per minute. The whole height of the precipice is about 90 feet. The strata are intersected by two veins, one upon each side of the sulphurated water, which commencing at the surface, approximate pretty uniformly until they reach the river, at which place they are about 150 yards distant. These veins are composed of calcareous spar and iron pyrites, and contain the above-mentioned strata between them." "This water is remarkably transparent; when poured from one tumbler into another, it sparkles very briskly. To most palates the taste is very agreeable, being somewhat accidulous, and it has generally been found to sit lightly on the stomach. The smell is so strongly impregnated with sulphur as to extend to the distance of several yards. It was originally known by the name of the Holy Well, also by that of Wardrew Spa, the latter name being taken from the tenement and farm on the Northumberland side of the water, and which appears to have been, at one time, the only original place of entertainment. The present mansion was erected in 1752, and is a large and elegantly-" ![]() Page 117:- "[elegantly-]finished place, though now in a state of great delapidation." "These waters may be employed either externally or internally in a diversity of diseases, with great success. There are hot and cold baths fitted up in the immediate contiguity of the spring, and also at the hotel. In drinking the water no other precaution or preparation seems necessary than that of commencing with moderation. Time and experience have proved its virtues; and during the last century up to the present time, it has been used both externally and internally with amazing success." "The walk from the hotel down to the spa is short, dry in all weathers, and rather too steep, and will be found inconveniently so on the return by the invalid, although seats are placed at suitable distances, to render the fatigue as light as possible. At the bottom of the hill the path is continued along the water's brink, on a paved terrace to the spa. On the right, adjoining the river, are some plain buildings for the baths, and immediately across the water, a number of large stepping-stones enable you to visit the opposite banks, which are finely wooded, and offer several interesting views from various open points." |
evidence:- | old map:- Ford 1839 map placename:- Gilsland Spa |
source data:- | Map, uncoloured engraving, Map of the Lake District of
Cumberland, Westmoreland and Lancashire, scale about 3.5 miles
to 1 inch, published by Charles Thurnam, Carlisle, and by R
Groombridge, 5 Paternoster Row, London, 3rd edn 1843.![]() FD02NY66.jpg "Gilsland Spa" item:- JandMN : 100.1 Image © see bottom of page |
hearsay:- |
"There are two of these medicinal springs or spas, the one, called the sulphur well,
highly impregnated with sulphuretted hydrogen, and the other the chalybeate well,
containing iron in the form of protocarbonate. The curative properties of the former
have been known for a century and a half, but the latter was discovered about the
year 1812. A section of the rock from which the sulphur spring issues shows the following
strata:- Underneath a thin covering of soil lie 33 feet of sandstone of irregular
stratification, beneath that are 22 feet 9 inches of bituminous shale, in which is
a stratum of aluminous schist 4 feet thick, then come 23 feet or porphyritic slate,
in which are embedded crystals of felspar and iron pyrites. From the latter, a combination
of iron and sulphur, the water brobably (sic) derives its sulphurous qualities. Below
the spa are some thin strata of bituminous shale and clay ironstone. The water issues
from the rock through a leaden pipe at the rate of 2½gallons per minute. The medicinal
properties of this well were first studied by Dr. Clanny, of Sunderland, who published
his account in 1816. "In general," he says, "a half-pint tumbler of this water is
a sufficient dose for an adult, but the quantity ought to be augmented as the stomach
becomes accustomed to it, and may be increased, if needful, to the extent of two or
three quarts in the forenoon. It acts powerfully upon the kidneys, and as a diuretic
stands unrivelled (sic) among mineral waters. Its diaphoretic effects are of no ordinary
nature in severe and obstiinate diseases of the skin. It has been found very efficacious
in the cure of dyspepsia or indigestion. The water has also proved benficial in scrofula
and atonic gout, and as an external application in ill-conditioned and irritable ulcers."
Dr. Clany submitted the water to analysis and found one gallon to contain -" |
"A more particular analysis was made in 1858 by the late Dr. George Wilson, of Edinburgh,
who obtained the following results from one imperial gallon of the water:-" |
"Specific gravity 1.0003" |
"The Chalybeate or iron well, which lies in a wood some little distance from the sulphur
one, is hardly deserving of the name of well, as the flow of water is so small that
some minutes are occupied in filling a tumbler. The water has proved very beneficial
in aggravated cases of indigestion, and as an external application in foul ulcers.
Dr. Wilson submitted the water to careful analysis, and obtained the following resultL-" |
"Specific gravity, 1.154." |
Bulmer 1880s |
evidence:- | old print:- Rose 1832-35 |
source data:- | Print, engraving, Gilsland Spa, Cumberland, by Thomas Allom, engraved by J Sands,
1833.![]() R249.jpg "Gilsland Spa, Cumberland" item:- JandMN : 96.16 Image © see bottom of page |
evidence:- | old print:- Farington 1816 (plate 41) placename:- Gilsland Spa |
source data:- | Print, uncoloured engraving, View at Gilsland Spa, Waterhead, Cumberland, drawn by
Joseph Farington, engraved by Samuel Middiman, published by T Cadell and W Davies,
Strand, London, 1815.![]() PR0509.jpg Plate 27 in The Lakes of Lancashire, Westmorland, and Cumberland. printed at bottom, left, right, centre:- "Drawn by J. Farington R.A. / Engraved by S. Middiman. / View at Gilsland Spa. / London Published Septr. 15, 1815, by T. Cadell &W. Davies, Strand." item:- Dove Cottage : 2008.107.458 Image © see bottom of page |