county:- |
Cumbria |
10Km square:- |
SD09 |
adjacent:- |
places:- |
SD08239818 Amethyst Green (Drigg and Carleton) |
SD08199873 Barbary Plantation (Drigg and Carleton) |
SD08189801 Bell Hill Farm (Drigg and Carleton) L |
SD08289846 Boadle Grounds (Drigg and Carleton) |
SD08209859 Carleton Green (Drigg and Carleton) L |
SD08249877 Carleton Hall (Drigg and Carleton) L out of sight |
SD08099835 Carleton Head (Drigg and Carleton) |
SD08239869 Carleton (Drigg and Carleton) |
SD08229819 Cottage, The (Drigg and Carleton) L out of sight |
SD08189823 Carleton School (Drigg and Carleton) |