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Windermere Worthies : Gents Mag 1804 | ||
evidence:- | old text:- Gents Mag placename:- Winandermear |
source data:- | Magazine, The Gentleman's Magazine or Monthly Intelligencer or
Historical Chronicle, published by Edward Cave under the
pseudonym Sylvanus Urban, and by other publishers, London,
monthly from 1731 to 1922.![]() Gentleman's Magazine 1804 p.322 "April 13." "Mr. URBAN," "THE inclosed account of the Worthies of Winandermear has been sent me by a literary friend; and it will inform, and, I think, amuse some of your readers; and if you will give it a place soon in your Magazine you will oblige, Yours, &c." "PHAROS." "THE WORTHIES OF WINANDERMEAR." "Nations, provinces, and counties, have proudly boasted the births of men eminent for Arms, Arts, or Sciences. In the same county, Learning, Wit, and Parts, have appeared more in one age than another. Homer, Virgil, Milton, were of different countries. The Lake of Genoa may boast of Rousseau and Voltaire; but it is true, that in these latter days more men of letters, and of learned professions, have been born on the banks, or within a few miles, of the famous Lake Winandermear in England, than in any other part of the world of the like extent, and within the same space of time, that we know or have read of. For instance:" "The late Rev. Dr. Edwin Sandys, Lord Archbishop of York." "Daniel Rawlinson, from Griesdale, citizen of London." "Sir William Rawlinson, one of the first Lords Commissioners for the custody of the Great Seal of England." "Rev. Dr. Law, Lord Bishop of Carlisle, one of whose sons was also mitred during the father's episcopacy." "Robert Rawlinson, chief justice of Chester, &c. &c." "Dr. Anthony Askew, the great Grecian of Emanuel college, Cambridge, and of St. Bartholomew's hospital." "- These were all near neighbours born, and were progenitors of great, respectable, and flourishing families, now in being." "Launcelot Addison, dean of Lichfield, father of the celebrated and highly-eminent Joseph Addison, esq." "Dr. John Barwick, of St.John's college, and dean of St. Paul's." "Dr. Peter Barwick, physician to King Charles II." "Allan Bellingham, king's counsel, and a bencher of the Inner Temple." "Richard Burn, LL.D. author of Justices' Law, &c. &c." "Ephraim Chambers, F.R.S. original author of the Cyclopaedia." "Lionel Ducket, fellow of Jesus college, Cambridge, and a great benefactor to it." "Dr. Robert Dawson, bishop of Clonsert in Ireland." "The Rev. Dr. Fell, who founded the Fourness-fell fellowship at St. John's college, Cambridge." "Dr. Sir John Fleming, bart. lord bishop of Carlisle." "William Fleming, archdeacon of Carlisle." "The Rev. Dr. Thomas Fothergill, master of St. John's college, Cambridge." "Dr. George Fothergill, principal of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford." "Dr. Thomas Fothergill, provost of Queen's college, Oxford." "Dr. John Fothergill, a Quaker, and eminent physician in London." "Dr. Thomas Garnet, natural philosopher, &c." "The Rev. Dr. Edmund Gibson, lord bishop of London." "Bernard Gilpin, of Queen's, and also of Christ-church, Oxford, a great character in the persecuting times of Queen Mary, and who preached a remarkable sermon before and at Barnes, bishop of Durham." "Richard Hogarth, father of the ingenious and inimitable artist William Hogarth." "Sir Richard Hutton, a judge of the Court of Common Pleas." "Dr. Roger Leyburn, a bishop of the Church of Rome." "The Rev. Adam Pennyngton, of Boston, in Lincolnshire, who first endowed the free-school at Kendal." "Sir John Preston, a judge of the Court of Common Pleas." |
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source data:- | ![]() Gentleman's Magazine 1804 p.323 "The Rev. Dr. Preston, lord bishop of Killala and Ferns." "Christopher Phillipson, a barrister, and a major in the army." "Robert Phillipson, a bencher of the Middle Temple." "Dr. Postlethwaite, master of Trinity college, Cambridge." "Dr. Barnaby Potter, provost of Queen's college, Oxford, and lord bishop of Carlisle." "Dr. Thomas Savage, of Queen's college, Oxford, Master of the Rolls, lord chancellor, bishom of Durham, archbishop of York, ambassador to Rome, and Cardinal St. Prazides." "Dr. Thomas Shaw, principal of Edmund-hall, Oxford, regius professor of Greek, and known to the Learned World by his Travels to Barbary and the Levant, &c. &c." "Jeremiah Seed, an able orthodox divine, and an amiable man, whose writings were much esteemed." "The Rev. Dr. Shepherd, professor of experimental philosophy at Cambridge." "The Rev. John Smith, famed for his historical works of the Venerable Bede." "Dr. Thomas Smith, of Queen's college, Oxford, and Lord bishop of Carlisle." "The Rev. Dr. John Taylor, noted for his Hebrew-English Concordance." "Mr. Thomas Taylor, who complied (a modern work) the best book of Logarithms ever published." "Thomas Tickell, esq. an ingenious poet and author, and contemporary with Addison, Steele, &c." "Dr. John Waugh, of Queen's college, Oxford, and lord bishop of Carlisle." "Sir John Wilson, a judge of the Common Pleas at Westminster." "The present Rev. Dr. Watson, lord bishop of Landaff." "Dr. Sir Isaac Pennington, Regius professor of physick." "Sir Alan Chambre, a judge of the Common Pleas at Westminster." "Dr. Ainslie, of the College of Physicians, London." "Daniel Braithwaite, esq. F.R.S. of the antient family at Ambleside." "Adam Walker, the philosophical lecturer in London, &c. &c." "Romney, Cranke, and Gardner, three ingenious artists." "Messrs. Millers, Ainslie, Hall, Bell, Harrison, and Hudson, young gentlemen of great promise in the University of Cambridge and at the Bar." "It has been supposed that the ancestors of the great naval hero, Lord Nelson, Duke of Bronti, resided near the borders of this Mear, on the west side of it." "Katharine, the daughter of Sir Thomas Parr, and wife of Henry VIII. was born at Kendal, near the lake." "Anne, Countess of Pembroke was born not far distant; and her memory is with great reason respected in all the county of Westmorland, as well as on the banks of this delightful lake." |