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species, Dale End to Murthwaite | ||
site name:- | road, Garnett Bridge to Sadgill | |
civil parish:- | Longsleddale (formerly Westmorland) | |
county:- | Westmorland | |
locality type:- | verge | |
locality type:- | species | |
10Km square:- | NY50 | |
SummaryText:- | Species seen along the verges between Dale End and Murthwaite, Longsleddale, Westmorland, 9 June 2004. | |
evidence:- | species list:- item:- flower item:- wild angelica; angelica, wild; flower; Angelica sylvestris item:- wood avens; avens, wood; herb bennet; flower; Geum urbanum item:- lady's bedstraw; bedstraw, lady's; flower; Galium verum item:- greater bellflower; bellflower, greater; flower; Campanula latifolia item:- greater bird's foot trefoil; bird's foot trefoil; flower; Lotus pedunculatus item:- bistort; common bistort; snakeweed; flower; Polygonum bistorta item:- bluebell; flower; Hyacinthoides non-scriptus item:- great burnet; burnet, great; flower; Sanguisorba officinalis item:- creeping buttercup; buttercup, creeping; flower; Ranunculus repens item:- meadow buttercup; buttercup, meadow; common meadow buttercup; flower; Ranunculus acris item:- red campion; campion, red; flower; Silene dioica item:- red clover; clover, red; flower; Trifolium pratense item:- wood cranesbill; cranesbill, wood; flower; Geranium sylvaticum item:- crosswort; flower; Cruciata ciliata item:- ox eye daisy; daisy, ox eye; flower; Chrysanthemum leucanthemum item:- broadleaved dock; dock, broadleaved; flower; Rumex obtusifolius item:- curled dock; dock, curled; flower; Rumex crispus item:- dog's mercury; flower; Mercurialis perennis item:- hogweed; cow parsley; flower; Heracleum sphondylium item:- knapweed; common knapweed; flower; Centaurea nigra item:- lady's mantle; flower; Alchemilla vulgaris agg item:- meadowsweet; flower; Filipendula ulmaria item:- stinging nettle; common nettle; nettle, stinging; nettle, common; flower; Urtica dioica item:- cow parsley; flower; Anthriscus sylvestris item:- plantain, ribwort; ribwort plantain; flower; Plantago lanceolata item:- ramsons; wood garlic; flower; Allium ursinum item:- yellow rattle; rattle, yellow; hayrattle; flower; Rhinanthus minor item:- selfheal; flower; Prunella vulgaris item:- greater stitchwort; stitchwort, greater; flower; Stellaria holostea item:- spear thistle; thistle, spear; flower; Cirsium vulgare item:- bush vetch; vetch, bush; flower; Vicia sepium item:- yellow meadow vetchling; vetchling, yellow meadow; flower; Lathyrus pratensis item:- wood woundwort; woundwort, hedge; hedge woundwort; woundwort, wood; flower; Stachys sylvatica item:- cocksfoot; flower; Dactylis glomerata item:- crested dog's tail; flower; Cynosurus cristatus item:- tufted hair grass; hair grass, tufted; grass; Deschampsia caespitosa item:- false oat grass; oat grass, false; flower; Arrhenantherum elatius item:- sweet vernal grass; vernal grass, sweet; scented vernal grass; vernal grass, scented; grass; Anthoxanthum odoratum item:- Yorkshire fog; flower; Holcus lanatus item:- rough meadow grass; meadow grass, rough; grass; Poa trivialis item:- couch; creeping twitch; scutch; grass; Agropyron repens item:- meadow foxtail; foxtail, meadow; Alopecurus pratensis item:- annual meadow grass; meadow grass, annual; annual poa; poa, annual; grass; Poa annua item:- red fescue; fescue, red; creeping fescue; fescue, creeping; grass; Festuca rubra item:- creeping soft grass; soft grass, creeping; grass; Holcus mollis item:- rye grass; perennial rye grass; grass; Lolium perenne item:- yellow oat grass; oat grass, yellow; grass; Trisetum flavescens item:- white clover; clover, white; dutch clover; flower; Trifolium repens item:- brooklime; flower; Veronica beccabunga item:- three veined sandwort; sandwort, three veined; flower; Moehringia trinervia item:- soft rush; rush, soft; flower; Juncus effusus item:- sheep's sorrel; sorrel, sheep's; flower; Rumex acetosella item:- wild daffodil; daffodil, wild; flower; Narcissus pseudonarcissus item:- bracken; Pteridium aquilinum item:- lady's smock; cuckoo flower; flower; Cardamine pratensis item:- wild strawberry; strawberry, wild; flower; Fragaria vesca item:- foxglove; flower; Digitalis purpurea item:- forget me not; common forget me not; flower; Myosotis arvensis item:- wood dock; dock, wood; flower; Rumex sanguineus item:- tormentil; common tormentil; flower; Potentilla erecta item:- hedge bedstraw; bedstraw, hedge; flower; Galium album item:- silverweed; flower; Potentilla anserina item:- dog violet; common dog violet; flower; Viola canina item:- cleavers; goose grass; grass; Galium aparine item:- borage; flower; Borago officinalis item:- herb robert; flower; Geranium robertianum item:- ivy; Hedera helix item:- welsh poppy; poppy, welsh; flower; Meconopsis cambrica item:- broad buckler fern; fern, broad buckler; fern; Dryopteris austriara item:- male fern; fern, male; fern; Dryopteris felix-mas item:- lady fern; fern, lady; fern; Athyrium filix-femina item:- garlic mustard; flower; Alliaria petiolata item:- lesser celandine; celandine, lesser; flower; Ranunculus ficaria item:- germander speedwell; speedwell; flower; Veronica chamaedrys item:- pink purslane; flower; Lythrum sp item:- polypody; fern; Polypodium vulgare item:- sorrel; common sorrel; flower; Rumex acetosa item:- alkanet; flower; Pentaglottis sempervirens item:- ground elder; goutweed; Aegopodium podagraria item:- figwort; common figwort; flower; Scrophularia nodosa item:- zigzag clover; clover, zigzag; flower; Trifolium medium item:- tutsan; flower; Hypericum androsaenum item:- rosebay willow herb; willow herb, rosebay; flower; Epilobium angustifolium item:- great plantian; plantain, great; flower; Plantago major item:- dandelion; flower; Taraxacum officinale item:- nipplewort; flower; Lapsana communis item:- japanese knotweed; knotweed, japaneseitem:- mare's tail; flower; Hippuris vulgaris item:- bitter vetch; vetch, bitter; flower; Lathyrus montabus item:- barren strawberry; strawberry, barren; flower; Potentilla sterilis item:- bird's foot trefoil; common bird's foot trefoil; flower; Lotus corniculatus |
source data:- | Species were identified by a group of naturalists from a field club in Kendal, walking
along the verges with some residents of Longsleddale. This was not a scientific plant
survey. |