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Sandwell Limekiln, Ulverston
Sandwell Limekiln
civil parish:-   Ulverston (formerly Lancashire)
county:-   Cumbria
locality type:-   limekiln
1Km square:-   SD2878 (?) 
10Km square:-   SD27
SummaryText:-   Neither Sandwell or this limekiln have been found on a map, as yet.

A limekiln is warm, the eye hole attracts vagrants as a place of shelter in cold weather. But carbon dioxide is a heavy gas, and there is a real danger of asphyxiation. In one incident, two men died at Sandwell kiln near Ulverston in 1839.

Rollinson, W &Harrison, B: 1986: Diary of William Fisher of Barrow 1811 to 1859: University of Lancaster, Centre for North West Studies: occasional paper 15
White, A J: 2000: Limekilns in North Lancashire and South Cumbria: Lancaster City Museums (Lancaster, Lancashire):: leaflet, using Rollinson and Harrison 1986

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