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Piel Ferry, Barrow-in-Furness
Piel Ferry
site name:-   Piel Channel
site name:-   Roa Island
site name:-   Piel Island
civil parish:-   Barrow-in-Furness (formerly Lancashire)
county:-   Cumbria
locality type:-   ferry
coordinates:-   SD23286479
coordinates:-   SD23456362
1Km square:-   SD2364
10Km square:-   SD26
SummaryText:-   From a jetty on Roa Island by the lifeboat station, to a jetty on Piel Island.

BPP83.jpg  Waiting for passengers, in Piel Channel.
(taken 16.8.2008)  
BPP81.jpg  Approaching Piel Ridge.
(taken 16.8.2008)  
At high tide, 16 August 2008, the ferry landed at the end of Piel Ridge; too rough for the island jetty.

BPP80.jpg  Waiting for customers to arrive before picking up at Piel Ridge.
(taken 16.8.2008)  
BPP82.jpg  Running onto Piel Ridge.
(taken 16.8.2008)  
BPP79.jpg  Setting off again from Roa Island.
(taken 16.8.2008)  

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