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Swarthmoor, Pennington
civil parish:-   Pennington (formerly Lancashire)
county:-   Cumbria
locality type:-   locality
locality type:-   buildings
coordinates:-   SD27227721 (etc) 
1Km square:-   SD2777
10Km square:-   SD27

evidence:-   old map:- OS County Series (Lan 16 7) 
placename:-  Swarthmoor
source data:-   Maps, County Series maps of Great Britain, scales 6 and 25 inches to 1 mile, published by the Ordnance Survey, Southampton, Hampshire, from about 1863 to 1948.

Before 1850 there were a few farms. Tom Town, who owned a triangular field, set it out in streets named after local people, and a few cottages were built. Note the triangle of Fox Street, etc off the Ulverston Road.

SD27387725 chapel, Swarthmoor (Pennington)
SD27357742 milestone, Ulverston (2) (Ulverston)
SD27167716 police station, Swarthmoor (Pennington)
SD27367722 Sedgwick House (Pennington)
SD27427719 St Leonard's Church (Pennington)
SD28187729 Swarthmoor Hall (Ulverston) L
SD27087740 Rufus Lane (Pennington)
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