Kirkland |
civil parish:- |
Woodside (formerly Cumberland) |
county:- |
Cumbria |
locality type:- |
locality |
locality type:- |
buildings |
coordinates:- |
NY27634839 (etc) |
1Km square:- |
NY2748 |
10Km square:- |
NY24 |
evidence:- |
old map:- OS County Series (Cmd 29 6) placename:- Kirkland
source data:- |
Maps, County Series maps of Great Britain, scales 6 and 25
inches to 1 mile, published by the Ordnance Survey, Southampton,
Hampshire, from about 1863 to 1948.
evidence:- |
possibly old map:- Ogilby 1675 (plate 96)
source data:- |
Road strip map, hand coloured engraving, the Road from Kendal to
Cockermouth, and the Road from Egremond to Carlisle, scale about
1 inch to 1 mile, by John Ogilby, London, 1675.
 OG96Bm30.jpg In mile 30, Cumberland. houses off the left of the road. item:- JandMN : 22 Image © see bottom of page
evidence:- |
old map:- Donald 1774 (Cmd) placename:- Kirkland
source data:- |
Map, hand coloured engraving, 3x2 sheets, The County of Cumberland, scale about 1
inch to 1 mile, by Thomas Donald, engraved and published by Joseph Hodskinson, 29
Arundel Street, Strand, London, 1774.
 D4NY24NE.jpg "Kirkland" block or blocks, labelled in lowercase; a hamlet or just a house item:- Carlisle Library : Map 2 Image © Carlisle Library |
places:- |
SD51399195 Anchorite Mill (Kendal) |
NY64443256 boundary stone, Culgaith (2) (Culgaith) L |
NY64583248 bridge, Kirkland (Culgaith) |
NY07351792 Carr Cottage (Lamplugh) |
NY07201791 Chapel House (Lamplugh) |
NY07171790 Bible Christian Chapel (Lamplugh) |
NY66263462 corpse road, Kirkland (Culgaith) |
NY07221802 fingerpost, Kirkland (2) (Lamplugh) |
NY64233258 Flosh (Culgaith) |
NY65203217 Hanging Walls of Mark Anthony (Culgaith) |
NY27804860 Hazel Head (Woodside) |
NY27374826 Kirkland Cottage (Woodside) |
NY0718 Kirkland Goods Sidings (Lamplugh) |
NY65063256 Kirkland Hall Cottages (Culgaith) |
NY27564841 Kirkland Hall (Woodside) L |
NY27274844 Kirkland House (Woodside) |
NY07281805 Kirkland Mission Church (Lamplugh) |
NY27594836 Kirkland Villa (Woodside) L |
NY07381808 railway bridge, Kirkland (Lamplugh) |
NY65083234 sheep feeder, Kirkland (Culgaith) |
NY65363273 sheep feeder, Kirkland (2) (Culgaith) |
NY64603253 St Lawrence's Church (Culgaith) L |
NY65263249 stone wall, Kirkland (Culgaith) |
NY07411813 Teathes (Lamplugh) |
NY64583246 fingerpost, Kirkland (Culgaith) |