button to main menu   Jefferys 1770 SD49SE
Note: click on map edges for adjacent squares
Jefferys 1770
(5Km square roughly corresponding to Jefferys 1770 SD49SE, plus overlaps, North at the top; the original map is printed with North at the top)

item:-  National Library of Scotland : EME.s.47
image:-  © National Library of Scotland
gazetteer links

places may or may not be labelled on the map

button -- All Saints Church
button -- Barrowfield -- "Barron Field"
button -- Bonfire Hall -- "Bonefire How"
button -- Boundary Bank -- "Cold Kale"
button -- Bradleyfield -- "Bradlay Field"
button -- Bridge End -- "B End"
button -- Broad Oak -- "Broad Oak"
button -- Broom, The -- "Broom"
button -- Capplerigg -- "Caplerig"
button -- Chapel Beck
button -- Cunswick Hall -- "Cunswick Hall"
button -- Cunswick Tarn
button -- Fallen Yew -- "Faln New"
button -- Fell Gate -- "Fell Yate"
button -- Garthrow -- "Carthra"
button -- Grigghall -- "Grigg Hall"
button -- Hagg -- "Bridge H"
button -- Hall Head Nab -- "Hall Head Nab"
button -- Helsfell Hall -- "Helse Fell Hall"
button -- Helsfell -- "Helse Fell Hall"
button -- High Blakebank -- "Blake Bank"
button -- High Cragg -- "High Cragg"
button -- High Plumgarths -- "Plum Garths"
button -- High Town Yeat -- "Town Yate"
button -- Knott -- "Knot"
button -- Lane Head -- "Lane Head"
button -- Levensfold -- "Livens Fould"
button -- Lindreth Brow -- "Linday Brow"
button -- Low Blakebank -- "Blake Bank"
button -- Low Cragg -- "Low Cragg"
button -- Low Plumgarths -- "Plum Garths"
button -- Middle Blakebank -- "Blake Bank"
button -- Mountjoy -- "Mountjoy"
button -- Park House -- "Park H."
button -- Punch Bowl Bridge
button -- Punch Bowl -- "Punch Bowl"
button -- Redscar -- "Red Scar"
button -- Kendal to Newby Bridge
button -- Brigsteer Road
button -- Scar Foot -- "Scar Foot"
button -- Scout Scar -- "UNDERBARROW SCAR"
button -- Thorns Villa -- "Thornes"
button -- Toll Bar Cottage -- "Toll Gate"
button -- toll house, Plumgarths -- "Toll Gate"
button -- Town Yeat -- "Town Yate"
button -- Tranthwaite Hall -- "Tranthwaite"
button -- Tullythwaite Hall -- "Tooly Thwaite"
button -- Underbarrow Beck -- "Underbarrow B."
button -- Underbarrow Scar -- "UNDERBARROW SCAR"
button -- Underbarrow -- "Underbarrow"

civil parishes

The area roughly includes parts of parishes:-

    Underbarrow and Bradleyfield
    Crosthwaite and Lyth
    Strickland Ketel

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