[ele]gant, rural and marine. On the eastern side, you have a fine
aestuary, spotted with rocks, isles, and peninsulas, a variety of
shore, deeply indented in some places, in others composed of
noble arched rocks, craggy, broken, and fringed with wood; over
these, hanging woods, intermixed with cultivated inclosures,
covered with a back ground of stupendous mountains. As a contrast
to this view, from the other end of the gravel walk (between two
culminating hills, covered with tall wood) is seen, in fine
perspective, a rich cultivated dale, divided by hedge-row trees;
beyond these, hanging grounds cut into inclosures, with scattered
farms, and above them all, a long range of waving pasture ground
and sheep walks, shining in variety of vegetation. This sweet
pastoral picture is much heightened by the deep shade of the
towering wooded hills, between which it is viewed. Turn to the
left, the scenery is all reversed. Under a range of tall
sycamores, an expanse of water bursts upon the eye, and beyond
it, land just visible through the azure mist. Vessels traversing
this bay are also seen in a most picturesque manner, and, from
the lower part of the house, appear sailing through the trees,
and approaching it till they drop anchor just under the windows.
The range of sycamores has a fine effect in this sea view, by
breaking the line in the