SINCE persons of genius, taste, and observation, began to make
the tour of their own country, and to give such
pleasing accounts of the natural history and improving
state of the northern part of the kingdom, the spirit
of visiting them has diffused itself among the curious of
all ranks.
Particularly the taste for one branch of a noble art [1]
(cherished under the protection of the greatest kings and
best of men) in which the genius of Britain rivals that
of ancient Greece and modern Rome, induces many to visit
the lakes of Cumberland, Westmorland, and Lancashire; there
to contemplate in Alpine scenery, finished in nature's
highest tints, the pastoral and rural landscape, exhibited
in all their styles, the soft, the rude, the romantic, and
the sublime; and of which, perhaps, like instances can
no where be found assembled in so small a tract of
country.- What may be now mentioned as another in-