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3rd edn addenda, page 301:-
Hence too the eruptive disorder which appears on the skin, like marks made by the scratching of a cat, is vulgarly called cat-arrles; and query if the term harrow be not from the marks, or arrs, made in rows by that instrument, i.e. an arr-row?

Kelter, or skelter (a word almost forgot) means order as to arrangement, or condition as to body. Hence the phrase of people running helter skelter means running in despite of all order; helter order meaning hang order, as we say hang sorrow, &c.
Stirrup, is from Stay-rope, a rope with a noose at the end fastened to the saddle to put the foot in, in which form some old drawings represent it.

Healm, or heam, is a Saxon word for straw, though now out of use, and is here the present vulgar pronunciation of home. From this circumstance it is not improbable but that straw, which once constituted the most general bed, might give the name to the place of domestic repose, by the same figure that has denominated our ordinary repasts meals, from the meal that was heretofore the general food, and as boarding and tabling mean the gratuity of so much per week for victuals eat on boards and tables, &c.- Hence it is easy to see hamlet means a lot or parcel of homes; and hence is had perhaps the term ham for the wooden collar now put on the neck of a cart-horse, from its connexion with a boss, or support, which it is well known was not long since in several places made of straw, called a barriham.
Stee, is the vulgar name here for ladder, and steel for style. Hence the idea of something high or upright, which is contained in these words steep, step, steeple.
Hose, is an old Furness-fell word for the throat; and the canvas pipe with which sailors draw water from their casks, &c. is called a hose. From this it seems not improbable, that
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