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and in Lowther woods. Wake-robin, Arum maculatum, under
hedges near Ambleside; but not found in the neighbourhood of
Keswick. Lepidium hirtum, Crow Park near Keswick;
Lythrum Salicaria, Galium boreale, and
Thalictrum minus, on the edge of Derwent Lake; T.
majus and Genista tinctoria, at the foot of
Bassenthwaite; the last plentifully near Crummock Lake.
Spindle-tree, Euonymus europaeus, on Barrow-side near
Keswick. Black Briony, Tamus communis, ornaments the
hedges near Windermere lake; but is rarely found further north.
Soapwort, Saponaria officinalis, under the bridge at
Kirkby Lonsdale. Wild Marjoram, Origanum vulgare, near
Kirkby Lonsdale and Humphrey Head.
Pellitory of the wall, Parietaria officinalis, near
Cartmel Well, and on the walls of Cartmel church.
Yellow Poppy, Papaver cambricum, in Long Sleddale.
Yellow-horned Poppy, Chelidonium Glaucium, (Glaucium
luteum of Hooker) on the coast near Maryport, Flimby, and
Flookborough; Henbane, Hyoscyamus niger, near the last
place, as is also Deadly nightshade, Atropa Belladonna,
and about Furness Abbey.
The Yellow Corn Marigold, Chrysanthemum segetum, was
formerly so troublesome in some corn fields, that the land
infested with it was considered inferior in value; but by the
improved system of husbandry it is nearly eradicated; the White
Ox-eye, Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum, is too com-