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Page 116:-
lake, and thence return to the Grange for refreshment. At this
place there are two public-houses; but not being often visited by
strangers, they are not well fitted up for their entertainment.
Those who wish to penetrate the hidden recesses of the mountains
may go the whole length of the lake, and afterwards pass the
chapel, which is a small building closely embowered with yews and
sycamores, its walls exhibiting some neat monumental
inscriptions; particularly one to the memory of one of its
ministers, who died in 1799, having served the cure upwards of
fifty years. Here the mountains seem to forbid all further
progress; but turning the end of the hill the party will soon
arrive at Mardale Green; from whence they may either return the
same way, or pass over the mountains to Long Sleddale or to
Kendal to Shap
8½ | High Borrow Bridge | 8½ |
7½ | Shap | 16 |
4 | Bampton | 20 |
2 | Foot
of Hawes Water | 22 |
Spa Well
Four miles before reaching Shap, a road turns off to Shap Wells,
at the distance of a mile. This is stated by Mr. Alderson, to be
a most genial and sanative saline spring; milder than the
Harrowgate Purgative Spaw, more active than the Gilsland Water,
and in its properties nearly allied to that of Leamington. A
spacious Hotel has lately been erected near the place, with Baths
and every accommodation for visitors.
gazetteer links
-- Bampton Grange
-- Bridge End
-- Crown and Mitre
-- Hawes Water
-- Holy Trinity Church
-- "Long Sleddale" -- Longsleddale
-- Shap Wells Hotel
-- Spa Well
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