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Page 44:-
rock to rock, forms a spray, which, with the sun in a favourable
direction, exhibits all the colours of the rainbow.
Stockghyll Force
STOCK GILL FORCE, at Ambleside, falls from a height of 70 feet,
which is in better proportion to its adjacent scenery than if it
fell 150 feet, as stated by some authors. It is a combination of
four falls in one; the water is divided into two streams, and
after a moment's rest in the middle of the rock, is finally
precipitated into the deep, shaded channel below.
High Fall, Rydal
Low Fall, Rydal
RYDAL WATERFALLS.- The upper is a considerable cascade, pouring
out its water, first in a contracted stream, down a perpendicular
rock; and then, in a broader sheet, dashing into a deep stony
channel. The lower, being near the house, forms a beautiful
garden scene.
Dungeon Ghyll Force
DUNGEON GILL is a stream issuing between the two Pikes of
Langdale. The water falls about 20 yards into an awful chasm,
with overhanging sides of rock, between which, a large block of
stone is impended like the key-stone of an arch.
Skelwith Force
SKELWITH FORCE is not of great height, but it has the most
copious supply of water of any cascade among the lakes. From
Skelwith Bridge there is a road on the Westmorland side of the
river, whence
gazetteer links
-- "Airey Force" -- Aira Force
-- "Dungeon Gill Force (?)" -- Dungeon Ghyll Force
-- "Rydal Waterfalls" -- High Fall
-- "Rydal Waterfalls" -- Low Fall (?)
-- Skelwith Force
-- "Stock Gill Force" -- Stockghyll Force
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