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Whicham; A. spinulosum, Keswick, &c.; A. dilatatum,
Keswick, &c.
Cystea fragilis, St. Bees Moor; C. dentata, Naddale,
Braithwaite, Whillimoor.
Asplenium Trichomanes, Carleton, &c.; A. viride,
Castlerigg Fell, river Irthing; A. marinum, St. Bees Heads;
A. ruta-muraria, common; A. septentrionale, Borrowdale, near
Lorton (Mr. W. Robinson); A. Adiantum nigrum, common.
Scolopendium vulgare, common in dark ravines; S. var.
multifidum, Dearham; S. var. crispum, Catgill Hall.
Grammitis ceterach, Sandwith, Mosser, Gosforth, &c.
Blechnum boreale, common.
Allosurus crispus, Wasdale, Ponsonby, Lamplugh.
Hymenophyllum Wilsoni, Scale Force, Ponsonby; H.
Tunbridgense, Ponsonby Hall.
Osmunda regalis, Millom, Irton, Egremont, Ullock Moss.
Botrychim Lunaria, not rare on dry pastures.
Ophioglossum, rather common.
Lycopodium clavatum, common on fells and moors; L.
inundatum, Shoulthwaite, Wasdale; L. Selaginoides, L.
Selago, Hardknot, Helvellyn, &c.; L. annotinum, near
Bowfell (Mr. J. Flintoft); L. alpinum, Stye Head, &c.
Equisetum arvense, common; E. fiuviatile, Flimby, Salter
Hall, Parton Rocks; E. sylvaticum, Watendlath, &c.; E.
palustre, Cold Fell (Mr. Robson); E. variegatum, Gilsland,
in the Irthing.