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Choerophyllum sylvestre, Gillfoot and Whicham.
Daucus carota, Ravenglass.
Sium angustifolium, Drigg Haws; S. nodiflorum, Gill near St.
Bees; S. repens, Naddale; S. verticillatum, Naddale S.
inundatum, Loweswater Lake.
Crithmum maritimum, St. Bees rocks.
Apium graveolens, Workington Marsh.
Imperatoria Ostruthium, Gilsland Woods.
Meum athamanticum, Fell End in Ennerdale (Dr. Lawson.)
Pimpinella dioica, Tallantire Hill.
Cnidium Silaus, Seaton, Schoose Farm.
Sambucus Ebulus, Brackenthwaite, Scalelands.
Parnassia palustris, meadow and bogs, not rare.
Statice Armeria, Scawfell and sea shores; S. Limonium, sea
shore near Bootle, &c.; S. spathulata, St. Bees Heads
(Mr. Robson.)
Drosera rotundifolia, common in bogs; D. longifolia,
Borrowdale (Mr. Tweddle); D. anglica Helvellyn (Mr. J.
Narcissus Pseudo-Narcissus, Duddon Woods.
Allium arenarium, banks of the Derwent (Mr. Tweddle); A.
vineale, Bearpot near Workington; A. ursinum, Salter
Juncus filiformis, Crummock and Derwent Lakes.; J. J. (sic)
coenosus, Millom Marsh; J. uliginosus, Workingington (sic)
(Mr. Tweddle); J. triglumis, Helvellyn (Mr. J. Flintoft.)
Luzula pilosa, common in woods; L. Fosteri, woods between
the mountains and the sea; L. sylvatica, banks of the
Marron; L. campestris, common on