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Lysimachia vulgaris, Keswick, Ennerdale, Lorton; L. nemorum,
Castlehead Wood and Lamplugh.
Anagallis cerulea, Hensingham Toll-bar.
Convolvulus arvensis, Fitz Toll-bar (Mr. Tweddle.); C.
Soldanella, Shore at Coulderton and Harrington.
Jasione montana, common.
Lobelia Dortmanna, nearly all the lakes.
Viola lutea, Brigham.
Hyoscyamus niger, Cockermouth, Flimby, Harrington.
Atropa Belladonna, once plentiful around Egremont Castle,
but now only retained in a few gardens there.
Solanum Dulcamara, St. John's vale, Setmurthy.
Erythroea Centaurium, Bootle, Distington, and a pure white
variety in Loweswater.
Sarnoins variety, Coulderton Shore.
Lonicera Caprifolium, Lorton Hall (Mr. Tweddle); L.
Xylosteum, Workington Park (Mr. Tweddle.)
Rhamnus frangula, Ullock Moss (Mr. Otley).
Euonymus europaeus, Lodore Woods.
Ribes rubrum, banks of the Derwent; R. nigrum, ditto; R.
Grossularia, limestone rocks at Sunderland.
Glaux maritima, Ravenglass, St. Bees.
Salsola Kali, Coulderton; S. fruticosa, Ravenglass.
Gentiana Amorella, Tallantire Hill; G. campestris,
Tallantire Hill, Workington Warren; G. verna, till lately on
Egremont Green, perhaps now extinct.
Eryngium maritimum, common along the sea shores.
Hydrocotyle vulgaris, common in bogs.
Sanicula europoea, Wythop Woods.
Torilis nodosa, Bewaldeth - scarce.
Anthriscus vulgaris, Workington Bridge.