The three ways from Milbeck are first down Langdale to its
junction with the Brathay valley, or by High Close to
Grasmere: secondly, by Wall End to Blea Tarn, and the
Fellfoot road: and thirdly, by Stickle Tarn, up Harrison
Stickle, or over into Easedale. We have little to observe
about the first,- Langdale having been described (p.48) as
seen from High Close. Langdale Chapel is a primitive hamlet,
where the old character of the district is well preserved.
The little chapel is a good specimen of the churches of the
vales. A few years since, the rotten old pulpit fell, with
the clergyman, Mr. Frazer, in it, just after he had begun
his sermon from the text "Behold, I come quickly." The
pulpit fell on an elderly dame, who escaped wonderfully. Mr.
Frazer, as soon as he found his feet, congratulated her on
surviving such an adventure: but she tartly refused his
sympathy, saying, "If I'd been kilt, I'd been reet sarrat,
(rightly served), for you'd threatened ye'd be comin doon
sune." Near this chapel is the Thrang Slatequarry, where the
stranger should look in and see what a mighty excavation has
been caused by the demand for this fine slate. Just beyond
the chapel, the roads part,- that which ascends to High
Close climbing the hill to the left.