The village of Windermere is like nothing that is to be seen
any where else. The new buildings (and all are new) are of
the dark grey stone of the region, and are for the most part
of a medieval style of architecture. The Rev. J. A. Addison,
of Windermere, has a passion for ecclesiastical
architecture; and his example has been a good deal followed.
There is the little church of St. Mary, and there are the
schools belonging to it, with their steep roofs of
curiously-shaped slates and there is St. Mary's Abbey, (new,
in spite of its antique name), and St. Mary's Cottage. And
there will be the new college of St. Mary, standing in a
fine position, between the main road and the descent to the
lake. This college, of which the Rev. J. A. Addison is the
warden, is designed to afford a cheap and thorough
education, on sound church principles, to the sons of
clergymen chiefly, though not exclusively. It is under high
patronage, ecclesiastical and local. The pupils, in a
college garb of the olden time, are a curious feature in the
aspect of the place; and they will be more so when they get
their new buildings to live in. Judging by the plan and
elevation put forth, the edifice will be in excellent taste,
and a great adornment to the neighbourhood. The large house,
on the hill and amidst the woods of the Elleray estate, and
often mistaken for the new college, is the property of