vol.1 p.82
[enor]mous size disqualifying them for objects at hand. In
the removed part of a picture therefore, the mountain
properly appears; where it's immensity, reduced by distance,
can be taken in by the eye; and it's monstrous features,
losing their deformity, assume a softness which naturally
belongs not to them.
I would not however be understood to mean, that a mountain
is proper only to close an extended view. It may take
it's station in a second, or third distance with equal
propriety. And even on a fore-ground, a rugged corner of
it's base may be introduced; tho it's upper regions aspire
far beyond the limits of any picture.
Having thus premised the station, which a mountain
properly occupies in landscape, we shall now examine the
mountain itself; in which, four things particularly
strike us - it's line - the objects, which
adorn it's surface - it's tints - and it's
light and shade.