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Gentleman's Magazine 1814 part 2 p.626


Brougham, Brough, Appleby

Dec. 31.
RETURNING to London by Penrith and Brougham last Summer, my attention was attracted by a Pillar, standing on a gently-rising ground on the South side of the road, about a mile this side of the latter place. On examination, I found it to have been erected in the year 1656, by the Countess Dowager of Pembroke; a woman so justly celebrated for her many excellent qualities, that a little description of this memorial, with four of the numerous castles belonging to her, and which, under her munificence, were repaied and preserved from demolition, may, I presume, not be unacceptable. This Pillar is between seven and eight feet high, and about three in diameter, of an octagonal form, with capital and base: it supports a square block of stone, on two sides of which are sun-dials, on a third the arms of Veteriponts and Clifford, impaling Russell, surmounted by an earl's coronet; and on the fourth. the following inscription, on a brass plate:
'This pillar was erected, anno 1656, by the Right Honourable Ann Countess Dowager of Pembroke, &c. and sole heire of the Right Honourable George Earl of Cumberland, &c. for a memorial
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