Earl of Carlisle,
VERSES sent by the Earl of CARLISLE to the
Archbishop of YORK, on his inclosing the Tomb of
Archbishop GREY (a principal Benefactor ot the
Minster) with a beautiful Gothic Railing of Cast-iron.
FROM rude approach, and from the touch profane,
This gen'rous Markham guards this crumbling fane,
Revives just praise to Grey, makes widely known
A course of lib'ral actions like his own.
And should a baser age, unmov'd, survey
Our much-lov'd Prelate's mould'ring tomb decay,
View Time's coarse hand each grateful line efface,
Nor the broad tablet to his worth replace;
Yet on the spot, where once was plac'd his urn,
Shall true Religion ever weep and mourn;
A reverential awe around shall spread,
And Learning point where rests his holy head.