given me the best of those howres, whose leasure hath
effected this which I now publish. Sundry other Songs I have
also, though yet not so perfect that I dare com~it them to
publique censure; and the rest I determine to go forward
with, God enabling me, may I find means to assist my
endevor. Now Reader, for the further understanding of my
Poeme, thou hast three especiall helps; First the Argument
to direct thee still, where thou art, and through what
Shires the Muse makes her journey, and what she chiefly
handles in the Song thereto belonging. Next, the Map, lively
delineating to thee, every Mountaine, Forrest, River, and
Valley; expressing in their sundry postures; their loves,
delights, and naturall situations. Then hast thou the
Illustration of this learned Gentleman, my friend, to
explaine every hard matter of history, that, lying farre
from the way of common reading, may (without question) seem
difficult unto thee. Thus wishing thee thy hearts desire,
and committing my Poeme to thy charitable censure, I take my
Thine, as thou art mine,
There follows an introductory paragraph for
'Cambro-Britans', the Welsh.
PErmit mee thus much of these Notes to My Friend. What the
Verse oft, with allusion, as supposing a full knowing
Reader, lets slip; or in winding steps of Personating
Fictions (as some times) so infolds, that suddaine conceipt
cannot abstract a Forme of clothed Truth, I have, as I
might, Illustrated. Brevity, and
Plainenes (as the one endur'd the Other) I have
joyned; purposely avoyding frequent commixture of different
language; and, whensoever it happens, eyther the Page or
Margine (specially for Gentlewomens sake) summarily
interprets it, except where Interpretation aides not. Being
not very Prodigall of my Historicall Faith, after
Explanation, I oft adventure on Examination, and
Censure. The Author, in Passages of first
Inhabitants, Name, State, and Monarchique
succession in this Isle, followes Geffrey ap
Arthur, Polychronicon, Matthew of Westminster,
and such more. Of their Traditions, for that one so much
controverted, and by Cambro-Britons still maintayned,
touching the Trojan Brute, I have (but as Advocat for
the Muse) argued; disclaiming in it, if alledg'd for my own
Opinion. In most of the rest, upon weighing the Reporters
credit, Comparison with more perswading authority, and
Synchronisme (the best Touch-stone in this kind of
Triall) I leave note of Suspicion, or adde conjecturall
Amendment: as, for particular examples, among other, in
Brennus mistooke by all Writers of later time,
following Justins Epitome of Trogus ill
conceiv'd; in Robert of Swaphams Story of K.
Wulphers murdring his Children; in Rollo first
D. of Normandy his time; none of them yet rectified
(although the first hath been adventured on) by any that I
have seene; and such more. And indeed my Incalousie hath oft
vext me with particular inquisition of whatsoever occurs,
bearing not a marke of most apparant Truth, ever since I
found so intollerable Antichronismes, incredible reports,
and Bardish impostures, as well from Ignorance as
assum'd liberty of Invention in some of our Ancients; and
red also such palpable Fauxities, of our Nation, thrust into
the World by Later Time: as (to give a tast) that of
Randall Higden affirming the Beginning of
Wards in VI. Hen. III. Polydores assertion
(upon mistaking of the Statute of I.