Page 121:-
Thence to Thyrsk, where Bullocks grazed
Are for Sale i' th' Market placed.
Thence to Alerton cheerful, fruitful,
To the Seller very grateful;
There to chuse a Place I'm chariest,
Where my Beasts may shew the fairest.
Thence to Darlington, never swerving
From our Drove, Laws worth observing.
Thence to Middlam am I aiming
In a direct Course of gaining;
I refuse no kind of Labour,
Where I smell some gainful favour:
"No way, be it ne'er the homeliest,
"Is rejected, being honest.
Tra-montane Fairs.
In these fairs, if I find nothing
Worth the staying, I'm no slow thing;
To the North frame I my Passage,
Wing'd with Hope of more Advantage:
Ragged Rocks, and steepy Hillows
Are by Gain more soft than Pillows
Thence to Native Appleby mount I,
Th'ancient Seat of all that County.