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Be 't from camp, Choir, Cottage, Carpet,
Field, Fold, Cellar, Forest, Market.
Horse Fairs.
To Malton come I, praising th' Sale, Sir;
Of an Horse without a Tail, Sir;
Be he Maim'd, lam'd, blind, diseased,
If I sell him, I'm well pleased;
Should this Kephal die next morrow,
I partake not in the Sorrow.
Then to Rippon, I appear there
To sell Horses if they're dear there;
If they're cheap, I use to buy them,
And i' th' Country profit by them;
"Where to quicken 'em, I'll tell ye,
"I put quick Eels into their Belly.
Northern Fairs.
Thence to Pomfret, freshly flowred,
And with * Rods of Liquorice stored:
Thence to Topcliff with my Fellow,
Not to bouze Wine, but to sell-low.