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Page 97:-

In Bacchus' Yard, Field, Booth, or Cottage,
I love nought like his cold Pottage.

Thence to Alerton, rank'd in Battle,
Sheep, Kine, Oxen, other Cattel;
As I fortun'd to pass by there
Were the Town's best beautifier;
Fair for Beasts at that time fell there,
But I made my Fare the Cellar.

Thence to Smeton, I assailed,
Lousy Hill, for so they call it;
Where were dainty Ducks, and jant ones,
Wenches that could play the wantons;
Which they practice, truth I'll tell ye,
For Relief of Back and Belly.

Thence to * Nesham, now translated,
Once a Nunnery dedicated:
Vallies smiling, Bottoms pleasing,
Streaming Rivers never ceasing;
Deck'd with tufty Woods, and Shady,
Graced by a lovely Lady.

Thence to Darlington, there I boused
Till at last I was espoused:
Where Shores yield Lentisks, Branches pearled Gems,
There Lamprels Shells, their Rocks soft mossy Stems.
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