| I left Appleby, repassed the bridge, and went through the village of Clippergate, not far from its foot. About two miles farther, I rode through Crakenthorpe, or the Village of Crows, in the northern dialect Crakes, most likely from there having been here a rookery. The hall has been the residence of the Machebs, a family noted for their gallant actions, and for never rising into the degree of knight, nor sinking to that of yeoman. The name was frequently written, in old times, Mau-chael and Machael - Latinè, malus catulus - Anglicè, sad puppy. From the last, the antiquarian of the house suspects that Whelp-castle (hereafter to be mentioned) took its name from this family, and that De Whelp-dale was of kindred not remote; which last is fully confirmed by its bearing three young greyhounds for its arms, as the Mau-chaels did, a spurious dog with a forked tail - ex Graeco et Tigride nato. He also infers, that, from the Latin name, (which was doubtlessly the original,) they were derived from the Catuli of Rome, which gives a descent from the Conqueror of the Cimbrians, and all the illustrious race.
| AUGUST 14.