vol.2 p.56
the edge of which lies the village of Patterdale.
We took this view at a point, which had just so much
elevation, as to give variety to the lines of the lake. As
we descended to the water, the view was still grand, and
beautiful, but had lost some of it's more picturesque
beauties: it had lost the fore-ground: it had lost the
sweeping line round the mountain on the left: and it had
lost the recess between the two woody promontories on the
right. The whole margin of the lake was nearly reduced to
one straight line.- The beauty of a view, especially in
lake-scenery, we have before observed *, depends
greatly on the nice position of it's point.
Having spent some time in examining this very inchanting
scene, we skirted the lake towards Patterdale, on a
tolerable road, which runs from one end of it to the other:
on the south it is continued to Ambleside; on the north to
Penrith. I call it a tolerable road; but I mean only for
horses. It has not the