All Saints, Bolton,
These figures are carved upon a stone joining to the
Inscription as in the plate.
The size of these two stones is not specified, any more than
the time when they were first noticed; and, whether owing to
any accident, as plaister falling off, it seems, however, to
be quite a modern discovery, as Dr. Burn, whose History of
Cumberland was published in 1777, mentions nothing of it.
This Inscription is on a stone above the old door-way, on
the outside of the North wall of the Chapel of Bolton.
The characters and points are both exactly represented.
The places marked [hash] are convex; where probably some
letter or letters are defaced.
And those marked ---- are long spaces; where no characters
Bolton Chapel stands in the parish of Morland, about four
miles North of Appleby, to which it is adjoining, on the
Western bank of the river Eden, in Cumberland.