Black Lead Mine
I Am very glad that such remarks as I have been able to
make, are so agreeable to your readers. - For their
satisfaction I must inform you, that wadd mines in
the Cumberland Dialect, signifies the black-lead
mines, being synonymous terms. Their cause and nature
has employ'd the great Bp Nicolson in two manuscript
letters, whose opinion, with my own, I intended to transmit
to you; but as I could not have the opportunity of seeing
them myself, I defer publication till a better opportunity.
We are positive the whole world affords not another, nor
does it appear the Romans ever knew of this. It was
accidentally discover'd by a tree blown up by the roots in a
The produce has nothing in common with lead but the name,
not being fusible in any fire. The mines are seldom opened,
except a great demand require it; tho' notwithstanding the
vigilance of the owners, it may be procured from the
smugglers thereabouts; it sells at 6s. 6d. per lb.
The inclemency of the weather, and rocks of so formidable
ascent, prevented my intention to see them.
Yours &c.