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Page 119:-
[com]pleat victory, slaying Dunmail, taking his two sons
prisoners, and putting out there eyes; which also put an end
to the Cumberland monarchs: That Dunmail was buried here
underneath a very large kairn, (seen at this day close to
the road,) whose magnitude and remains argues sufficiently
that it was the tomb of a respected hero.
This is not a very improbable story, for this Dunmail
assisted the Northumbrians against Edmund; and Edmund,
though victorious, was so weakened, that he durst not pursue
Dunmail, (who had gotten Llewellyn to join him,) without the
assistance of the Scots. Malcolm King of Scots joined
Edmund, upon this condition, that if they were successful,
Malcolm should have Cumberland upon paying homage. Dunmail
being obliged to fly for a while from his powerful enemies,
was here determined to hazard a battle, both as having the
advantage of the higher ground, and also being driven to the
extremity of his kingdom, this being the place where
Cumberland is yet divided from Westmorland, which battle
proved fatal to him.
Matt. of Westminster says, Leolin, or Llewellyn, joined
Edmund. Sim. of Durham says Llewellyn assisted Dunmail: of
these two ancient and great historians I rather am inclined
to believe the latter; for how could a petty king of
Cumberland pretend to withstand the united forces of Edmund,
Malcolm, and Llewellyn, after being defeated too? That
Malcolm joined Edmund is very certain, for he had the
country assigned to him upon condition of doing homage, and
that he and his successors should assist Edmund and his
successors both by sea and land, and own him as Lord
Cumberland hath been rent and torn by its restless
inhabitants or envious neighbours; yet hath, since the time
of William and Mary, been as loyal subjects to the crown of
Great Britain as any county in England; and who
distinguished themselves more than its inhabitants in the
year 1745? for the natives, though undisciplined as they
were, rose in great numbers, harassed the enemy, and took
many prisoners. And when the Duke of Cumberland's army came,
and were much fatigued with long and hasty marches, having
scarcely time allowed to take their victuals, the gentlemen
and farmers went to the roads where the soldiers passed,
with beef, bread, butter, cheese, ale, &c. and gave them
as much as they wanted; walking along with them and bearing
their arms till they had eaten and quenched their thirst,
for so urgent was their haste that they were not allowed to
The Duke was so well pleased with their loyalty and
behaviour, that he procured them a settled rate to the
land-tax; so that they do not pay a pound rate after the
manner of other counties, but raise a sum by what they call
purvey ‡; a favour little enough, considering what
they suffered, and the expence they were at in assisting the
King's troops, and is not much less than what some counties
pay by the book of rates.

‡ Purvey, from the French pourvois, to
provide; so called by King James the I. who desired no
greater tax of Cumberland than his purveyance, viz. his
expences passing the county when going to take possession of
the crown of England.
gazetteer links
-- "Cumberland" -- Cumberland
-- Dunmail Raise Stones
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