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Page 16:-
The Antiquarians say that this town takes its name from the
red-hill out of which it hath been built, and on which the
Beacon now stands: this they found on the etymology of the
name, Pen-rith, signifying Red-hill, or Red-head. Upon the
whole, this seems a more probably conjecture, than that this
Penrith was built out of the ruins of the Ala Petriana which
Horsley and others call Old Penrith; for Ala Petriana, or
Camlic Fort, is at the distance of five miles; and I cannot
suppose any one would fetch stones five miles, when he has
as good within half a mile.
school, Penrith
This town has a free school, founded by Queen Elizabeth, and
by her endowed with many privileges. This school she founded
at the petition of the inhabitants, which was presented by
Sir Thomas Smith, then Dean of Carlisle, and Secretary of
State. Accordingly we find, that she did, by her
letters-patent, dated 18th of July, in the sixth year of her
reign, found and erect a free Grammar-School with the
Forest of Inglewood, in this, being the signory and chief
town in that Forest, under the style and title of, THE
endowments are six pounds per annum, the ancient
salary of the Chantry Priest; to have one Master and one
Usher; to be governed by five of the most discreet persons
of the town and parish of Penrith; with power to choose both
Master and Usher, and to elect new Governors upon the death
of any of their members. The present Master is the Curate of
St Andrew, Perith
The church of Penrith is vicarial, and is worth, (as appears
from the table of donations,) about L.100 per
annum; it is in the gift of the Bishop of Carlisle,
having been annexed to that See at its first erection by
King Henry the I. It is a very handsome modern structure,
having been rebuilt A.D. 1721, the tower excepted, which is
of a much older and uncertain date. It consists internally
of 112 pews on the ground, and 90 in the galleries, which
are supported upon 20 beautiful stone pillars, well worth
the notice of travellers: each pillar consists of one single
stone, veined like mahogany, or stained fir; insomuch that
they seem rather to have grown like wood, than to have been
cut out of a solid block.
The whole inside of the church is elegantly neat, the pews
being made in a variegated English oak, and the altar
decorated all round with paintings, which will be a lasting
testament of the abilities of Mr Reid. From the roof of the
Church depend two handsome gilt chandeliers, with the
following inscription upon them: "These chandeliers were
purchased with the 50 guineas given by the most noble
William Duke of Portland to his tenants of the honour of
Penrith, who, under his Grace's encouragement, associated in
defence of the Government and town of Penrith against the
rebels in 1745." The rebels, after their retreat from Derby,
were put to flight from Clifton and Penrith, by his Royal
Highness William Duke of Cumberland, after a short skirmish
near Clifton-Moor, which began about four o'clock in the
afternoon of Wednesday December 18th 1745: The rebel
prisoners taken by the tenants of Penrith and the neighbours
were upwards of 80.
Giants' Grave
In the church-yard is a curious monument of antiquity,
generally called the Giant's-Grave: it consists of two
pillars, about four yards high, and 40 inches in
circumference, placed parallel to the side of the church,
and distant about five yards from each other: on these is
the remains of carved work, and from one to the other are
two rows of large stones cut into segments of circles,
likewise bearing marks of sculpture, and inclosing a small
area. The origin of this, like most of our northern
antiquities, is obscure, some affirming it to be the
burying-place of one champion, some of another: most of them
however agree, that his sirname was Caesarius, though one
calls him Sir Owen, another Sir Hugh, and a third Sir Ewan.
Dr Burn tells us, upon the authority of Mr Sandford's
manuscript history, that Sir Hugh Caesario had an hermitage
in that neighbourhood called Sir Hugh's Parlour: of this he,
Mr Sandford, was informed by a Mr Page, Schoolmaster at
Penrith from the year 1581 to 1591; and this intelligence Mr
Page had from a stranger, who came so early

gazetteer links
-- "Sir Hugh's Parlour" -- Giant's Caves
-- "Giant's Grave" -- Giant's Grave
-- "Penrith" -- (Penrith (CL13inc)2)
-- "Ala Petriana" -- Voreda
-- "Free Grammar School of Queen Elizabeth in
Penrith" -- (school, Penrith)
-- St Andrew's Church
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