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Castlerigg stone circle
and shape, about 39 yards diameter, and on the east side
within the circle or area two or more rows of like stones,
including a space about eight yards by four [n]. Stukely
desribes it as very intire, 100 feet diameter, consisting of
40 stones, some very large. At the east end a grave, made of
such other stones, in the very east point of the circle, and
within it not a stone wanting, though some are removed out
of their original situation. They call it the Carles,
and corruptly Castle rigg. There seemed to be another
lower in the next pasture towards the town [o].
On the north side of Castlerigg, on the river Bure, were
lead and copper works, ruined in the civil war [p].
Black lead.
black lead mines
The Black lead is found in Seatallor fell in Keswic
parish. It is essentially different from the
Melanteria and Pnigitis of Dioscorides; the
former being expressly said to be found at the mouth of
copper mines, and the latter more like the black
chalk mentioned by Dr. Plot [q]. It is used by the
neighbourhood medically against colics, gravel, stone, and
strangury, operating by urine, sweat, and vomitting. It also
enables crucibles to stand the hottest fire, and being
rubbed on iron and steel arms preserves them from rust; and
it is used by cloth-dyers to make their blues stand
unalterable. This mundic ore having little of sulphur in its
composition will not flow without a violent heat. It
produces a white regulus shining like silver [r]. The old
level was first re-opened 1710. It belongs to a number of
gentlemen, who, lest the market should be over-stocked, open
the mine but once in seven years [s]. It sells from 8 to
12s. a pound [t]. It lies intermixed with a hard greenish
rock, in the midst of which it appeared of a full round vein
or body of above three feet diameter. It is called here
Kellow or Wadf (sic); the former name is
supposed to be derived from the Irish, the latter from the
Saxon woad. It is said there is a mine of it in the
West Indies; but there is no need to import any, as much
being found here in one year will serve all Europe for
several years. It is rather to be classed with earths than
with metals or minerals: and as Ruddle is an earth strongly
impregnated with the steams of iron, so is this with those
of lead, as appears by its weight, colour, &c. Dr.
Merret [u] gives it the name Nigrica fabrilis, adding
that it wanted a true one till he gave it this at Keswick,
and that it is the peculiar produce of New and Old England
[5]; but sir R. Sibbald assures us, it is found in
Aberdeenshire [x].
St Herbert
The friendship between St. Cuthbert and St. Herbert, who
died on the same day and minute at Carlisle and Lindisfarne,
are largely recited by Bede, all which is repeated in an
instrument whereby Thomas de Apulby, bishop of Carlisle
1374, requires the vicar of Crosthwait to say a yearly mass
in St. Herbert's isle April 13th, in commemoration of that
saint, and grants 40 days indulgence to such of his
parishioners as shall devouly attend the service [y].
Castlerigg stone circle
"On the east side of the isle where as the water of Darguent
risith is a little poor market town called Keswike,
and yt is a mile from St. Herebertes isle, that Bede spekith
of. Divers springs cometh out of Borodale, and so make a
great lough that we call a pool, and therein be three isles.
In the one is the head places of the M. Radclyf, another is
called St. Hereberts isle, where is a chapel, the 3d is
Vicar isle full of trees like a wilderness [z]." Keswic is
placed in a narrow bottom under vast mountains full of
mines. There is carried on a manufactory of flannels,
linseys, and yarn. It has a school. Its vale a circle
between land and water of about 20 miles is the Elysium of
the north. The form of the lake is irregular, extending
about three miles and an half from north to south and about
one mile and an half broad; its greatest depth 20 feet. The
river Derwent passes through and gives name to it. The
southern extremity is a composition of all that is horrible.
An immense chasm opens up in the midst, whose entrance is
divided by a rude conic hill, once topt by a castle, beyond
a chain of craggs, patched with snow, and containing various
minerals, overshading the dark winding deeps of
Borrowdale. The north view is a beautiful contrast.
Skiddaw shews its vast base, and bounding all that
part of the vale rises gently 1100 yards perpendicular from
the broadwater with two heads [a], with a smooth verdant
front, on whose top is Skiddaw maen, a blue slate
stone, a beacon or kistvaen. Cranberries grow on it. Each
boundary of the lake partakes of the extremities. The
southern varies in rocks of different forms from the
tremendous precipices of the Lady's leap and broken front of
the Falcon's nest, and the more distant concave curve of
Lowdore [b], a length of precipices intermixed with trees
and cataracts. On the north side is a salt spring, once
belonging to the monks of Furness, sheep-pastures on the
sides of the lofty hills, and woods running down to the
water's edge: But most of the antient woods have been cut
down by the commissioners for Greenwich hospital. The three
islands on this circular lake are finely disposed. The
principal is the Lord's island about five acres, where St.
Herbert's hermitage was. The late sir Wilfrid Lawson 1761
cut down the old wood and planted new [c]. The water is
subject to violent agitation, and, in the calmest weather,
the waves will run high and the vessels be tost by what is
called a bottom wind [d]. About a mile and an half
from Keswic on a high hill in a field called the
Castle, is a druidical circle of stones, tending to
an oval 35 yards diameter from north to south and near 30
from east to west. These stones are at present 40, but many
fallen. At the north end are two five feet high; two more of
nearly the same height at the south end, and one at the east
near seven feet. On this side is the Kistvaen of great
stones [e].
St Kentigern, Great
In Crossthwaite church is a brass for sir John
Radcliff and his lady 1327, &c. [f]. Sir John Banks,
bart. Attorney-General and Chief-Justice of the Common Pleas
t. Charles I. gave a considerable benefaction for erecting a
manufacturing house and maintaining the poor of Keswick, his
native place, which charity is still well managed [g].
Burn, 80.
It. Cur. II. 48.
Burn, II. 80.
Oxf. 56,57.
Robinson's Nat. hist. of Westm. and Cumb.
Pennant, 1772, p.42.
Burn, II. 80-83.
Pinax, p.218.
Prod. IV. p.42.
Regist. Apulb. p.261. Smith's Bede, p.783. G.
Lel. VII. 71.
Burn, II. 86.
See Antiq. Repert. I. 97.
Burn, II. 86.
Pennant, 1772, 59-61.
Ib. 58. Ant. Repert. I. 248. Stukeley, It. Cur. I. 47.
Pennant, 41.
G. See Hutchin's Dorset, II. 87.
gazetteer links
-- "Broadwater" -- Bassenthwaite Lake
-- (black lead mine, Seathwaite)
-- "Carles" -- Castlerigg Stone Circle
-- "Vicar Isle" -- Derwent Isle
-- Derwent Water
-- "Keswic" -- Keswick
-- Lodore Falls
-- "Skiddaw" -- Skiddaw
-- "St Herbert's Isle" -- St Herbert's Island
-- "Bure, River" -- St John's Beck
-- "Crossthwaite Church" -- St Kentigern's Church
-- Vale of Keswick
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