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Map, uncoloured lithograph, Cumberland and Westmoreland, in two plates, scale about 14 miles to 1 inch, by Stanford's Geographical Establishment, London, 1907?
pp.18-19 in The Counties of England, Ambleside Geography Books series, by Charlotte M Mason, published by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co, Broadway House, 68-74 Carter Lane, London, edn 1930.
   Stanford 1907
map feature:- up is N & scale line & lat and long grid & sea plain & coast line & rivers & lakes & relief & hill hachuring (heavy, obscuring much other map detail) & forests & county & settlements & roads
inscription:- printed with scale line on south sheet
scale line:- 20 miles = 36.5 mm
wxh, sheet:- 18.5x12.5cm
wxh, map:- 138x79mm (approx)
scale:- 1 to 840000 ? (1 to 881832 from scale line)
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